In January, the FRAMES line—short, yet meaningful reads on nine big issues facing Christians in today’s culture—will debut. Yet, there’s one final FRAME that hasn’t been determined yet—the 10th FRAME. And we want your input on what this FRAME should be about.
Last month, we asked for your ideas of a key social trend or cultural topic that you would write about if you were writing the 10th FRAME. And now, our team has posted the finalists’ essays so you can read them for yourself. For the final selected topic, Barna Group will conduct brand-new research on that topic, and integrate these new insights into the 10th FRAME book.
The Finalists
In alphabetical order by last name, here is a preview of each of the 10th FRAME finalists. You can read the essays in their entirety here.
A Church for the Sexually Injured: How Do You Truly, Deeply, Really Heal from Past Sexual Abuse? by Mary DeMuth
According to Mary DeMuth, the Church can’t effectively talk about God’s purpose for sex until it is willing to talk about the painful reality for one in five women: sexual abuse. How can the Church provide a way forward into healing? This is the question Mary explores.
Cultured to Disconnect: Recovering Our Ability to Love in the Midst of Social and Spiritual Fragmentation by Todd Hall
Social media may be on the rise, but actual human connectedness seems to be moving in the opposite direction. Yet, if we are designed for human and divine connection, Todd Hall argues, there must be another, better way: We can be loved into loving.
Religious Conviction in a Multi-Faith World? How to Engage with Humility by Josh Hook
For as much as religion can bring people together, religious differences can also drive people apart. Is it possible to stay true to one’s spiritual convictions, while respectfully and meaningfully engaging others? Josh Hook says yes, and points to the example of Jesus to show us how.
Downward Mobility: Gentrification, Incarnation, or Something In Between? by D.L. Mayfield
Downsizing to live with our less-fortunate neighbors may be a trend among Christians, but there are both risks and blessings involved. D.L. Mayfield, whose family made such a move, distinguishes between the benefits and myths of so-called downward mobility.
Relational Realism: Healing from the Myth of the Perfect Relationship Status by Emily Maynard
Marriage has long been considered the “golden standard” in the Church, yet as a result, many single people feel sidelined. Emily Maynard calls for a return to the value of personhood—of men and woman as individuals—whose human potential is not dependent on their relationship status.
Finding God Through Good: How Social Action is Renewing Faith in Millennials by Carson Nyquist
As Millennials leave the Church, they’re channeling their passions elsewhere. For many, this “elsewhere” is social justice. Carson Nyquist makes a case for why this trend toward social good is a positive development, and what it means for the future of faith.
Dating Well: A New Model for Relationships in a Post-“Boy Meets Girl” World by Ruth Rutherford
In the Christian dating guidebook, Ruth Rutherford says, there is only one hard and fast rule: “Don’t have sex before marriage.” But beyond what not to do, Ruth writes, men and women today need to discover a richer, fuller understanding of how to date well.
Lovers of Themselves: The Rise of American Narcissism by Chris Travis
Narcissism, Chris Travis suggests, is like any other addiction—it becomes an escalating habit that is hard to break. In our individualistic culture, this self-focus is widespread. But the self-sacrificing example of Jesus, Chris says, shows us another way to live.
The Tie that Binds: Choosing Commitment in an Individualistic Age by Michael Wear
From church to government to marriage, America is undergoing a crisis of commitment. We may be tempted to check out of institutions, but Michael Wear presents a case for how we can reject the tide of individualism and reclaim the good of institutions—for the benefit of us all.
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