
Aging Well:
A Renewed Vision for Ministering to Older Adults

Our society is aging rapidly, as Baby Boomers move into their retirement years. 

To explore the problems older adults are facing—and the exciting roles they can play in churches—Barna has partnered with Worship Anew to study aging generations. 

We’ve taken our findings and crafted a new report called Aging Well: A Renewed Vision for Ministering to Older Adults.

In this report, you’ll find answers to important questions, like:

  • What do senior adults require to make the most of their later-in-life journey, even with the obstacles of aging?
  • What does purpose and vocation look like for older adults who often struggle with chronic pain and reduced mobility?
  • How can churches, caretakers, parachurch leaders, community groups and others better serve seniors—seeing them as assets, rather than a liability, essential, rather than inconsequential?

Our hope is that you’ll view the data in your context and be inspired to uniquely equip and empower the “seasoned saints” in your congregation and community.