It’s the middle of another election year. And while midterms historically draw a smaller crowd of voters, they bring to the forefront of political conversation a variety of issues intended to energize voter bases and solidify party candidates. Predictably, one of those issues is once again immigration. With roughly 53 million Latinos living in America, they are now the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority, making them an important voting demographic for any candidate. However, Hispanic Americans on the whole show up to vote at midterms less than other groups. Some candidates are hoping to change that by focusing on an issue that hits close to home.
Immigration, of course, is a hot-button topic and parties promote sharply divided views on the right approach. But all sides share a common concern when it comes to what happens after immigration. What does successful integration into American society look like? Not all Americans—of Hispanic origin or otherwise—agree on the specifics of successful integration, but they can agree on the desire to see immigrants thrive in their new home. For most, success includes two key areas: language and work.
But first, a look at some immigration demographics.
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