One in Three Adults Is Unchurched
- Culture
From the Archives
More People Use Christian Media Than Attend Church
- Culture
From the Archives
Parents Describe How They Raise Their Children
- Family
From the Archives
Church Priorities for 2005 Vary Considerably
- Church
From the Archives
Survey Shows How Christians Share Their Faith
- Faith
From the Archives
Pastors Reveal Major Influencers on Churches
- Church
From the Archives
Barna’s Annual Review of Significant Religious Findings Offers Encouragement and Challenges
- Technology
From the Archives
Americans Describe Sources of Spiritual Fulfillment and Frustration
- Culture
From the Archives
Born Again Christians Were a Significant Factor in President Bush’s Re-Election
- Leadership
From the Archives
Americans Agree: Kids Are Not Being Prepared for Life
- Generations
From the Archives
Catholic Vote May Tip the Scales for Bush
- Leadership
From the Archives
Born Again Christians Just As Likely to Divorce As Are Non-Christians
- Faith
From the Archives