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Barna’s talented and engaging public speakers are available for conferences, keynotes, plenary sessions, workshop breakouts and events.
Speaking Topics
Gen Z
David has been writing and speaking for more than a decade on the faith journeys of Millennials . . . but now a new generation is becoming a cultural force in their own right. Based on Barna’s landmark new research among 13- to 18-year-olds in Gen Z, this presentation uncovers the perceptions, experiences and priorities of the next, next generation.
Born between 1999 and 2015, Gen Z (as Barna is calling them for now) is the largest American generation yet. What experiences are shaping them? What is important to them? What do they want for their future? David will share data and insights on their identity, worldview, motivations and views on faith and church. He believes Christ’s followers have something essential to offer this diverse, fluid, empathetic, anxious generation growing up in digital Babylon: hope. Let’s get to know them together.
The Generosity Gap
There are both practical and spiritual reasons for churches and Christian organizations to encourage generosity. However, most Christians today do not live up to the biblical ideal. People tend to think of themselves as at least somewhat generous, yet few do as much as they would like in the way of financial gifts, service, kindness, hospitality and similar generous acts. Why? What factors make generosity a challenge for people? And among those who are notably generous with money, time and other resources, what attitudes, practices, expectations or perceptions contribute to their open-handed habits?
If the groups they lead are to survive and adapt to this changing reality, pastors and organizational leaders need both accurate information and wisdom for applying reliable data to their particular context. David Kinnaman will share data contained in a new report called The Generosity Gap to help leaders strategize for the future and dream up fresh tactical ideas for how to connect Christians’ heart, mind and soul with their potential giving strength.
The Bible in America
The amount of access to the Bible in American homes is astounding, which makes Americans’ limited knowledge and use of the Holy Book so surprising. This talk explores the changing attitudes and usage patterns related to the Bible and explore some of the keys that may unlock the Scriptures for future generations.
Next Faith: Trends Shaping the Future
This presentation examines the key spiritual, cultural and generational trends that are influencing the way in which Christ followers live and work. Put yourself in the future; then learn what you need to do now to prepare yourself and your organization to be effective in the future.
Christians at Work
It’s never been more important for people of faith at all levels of the marketplace to consider what they’re made to do and for pastors to provide effective vocational discipleship for these individuals. Christians at Work is a resource that leaves the Church better equipped to do both.
The Connected Generation
What values are Millennials, and now Gen Z, bringing with them into adulthood? What kind of world are they already building? What is their relationship to faith? The reality is that members of this age cohort are hardly “the next generation” anymore. Newcomers no longer, they are a formidable force, actively shaping the future of our workplaces, media, politics, arts, neighborhoods and, yes, churches. The Connected Generation project is a partnership of Barna and World Vision, surveying more than 15,000 respondents across 25 countries and 9 languages.
The State of Pastors
The challenges of pastoring in the 21st century are significant. Are spiritual leaders ready, willing, and able? The State of Pastors contains the findings of a comprehensive, whole-life assessment of U.S. pastors, commissioned by Pepperdine University.
Reviving Evangelism
The apostle’s question to the Christians in Rome is just as relevant for Christ-followers today, who are heirs of Jesus’ Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19). But a number of factors are curbing many Christians’ enthusiasm for faith-sharing, including the decline of religion in America, a spreading apathy toward spiritual matters and a growing cultural suspicion of people of faith. Where does that leave evangelism?
Spiritual Conversations in the Digital Age
Evangelism has changed in the past quarter century. The ways Christians share, how often they engage in spiritual conversations and their goals for sharing faith are different. And in a culture where relativism is the norm and fewer believe in absolute truth, the attitudes and responses of those who hear the gospel have also evolved.
Faith for Exiles
It’s easy to become discouraged by all that’s going wrong when it comes to Christianity and the emerging generation. Yet what’s going right? In fact, signs of hope are springing up all around. In Faith for Exiles, the author of unChristian and You Lost Me unveils major new Barna research that uncovers what’s working—five practices that contribute to resilience. Enter the world of resilient young adult Christians, learn how they are sustaining faith, and find hope in all that God is doing among young disciples today.
Good Faith
Many in today’s society think Christianity is irrelevant and extreme. How will Christians respond? In a culture plagued by contentious issues such as race relations, sexuality, and politics, many Christians are overwhelmed as they try to faithfully live their convictions while treating those who disagree with respect and compassion.
Based on David’s latest book, Good Faith (March 2016, written with unChristian co-author, Gabe Lyons), this talk explores how the Christian community can be a counterculture for the common good in an increasingly hostile society. Learn about current trends creating obstacles and opportunities to proclaim the gospel. Discover the new moral code shaping the broader culture and seducing the Christian community. And find out ways Christians can offer loving, life-giving friendships to others through difficult conversations.
Christianity has an image problem. Young people in America today say that Christianity has lost its heartbeat; it has lost its mission to serve those outside the church. The people and perspectives are described as unchristian, no long like Jesus intended. This walk would examine the nature of the “image” problem, how Christians have contributed to the negative perceptions, and how a growing hostility toward Christianity is going to change the way in which we do ministry as churches and Christian organizations.
(For more information, see the book unChristian)
You Lost Me
Twentysomethings are a “lost” generation, as their spiritual journeys often lead them away from congregation church involvement and out into the wider world. Learn about the ways in which young people quit the church; how long they stay away; and what are their reasons for leaving. More importantly, discover some of the things that a generation of nomads, skeptics and exiles are teaching the Christian community.
(For more information, see the book You Lost Me)
Next Faith: Trends Shaping the Future
This presentation examines the key spiritual, cultural and generational trends that are influencing the way in which Christ followers live and work. Put yourself in the future; then learn what you need to do now to prepare yourself and your organization to be effective in the future.
Vocational Discipleship
One of the pieces that are missing in much of our understanding of church is a sense of calling, of vocation. This talk defines vocation, explores its roots, and examines both the myths and realities of Americans’ work. How can Christians see their work as vocation? How does this help? How can we “vocationally disciple” the next generation of Christians? Learn one of the areas of hope and a key to unlocking long-term transformation in people’s lives and communities through the lost art of vocation.
The Future of Nonprofits
Explore key trends that are shaping the future of not-for-profit work in America. Topics include funding sources, generational transitions, competition from churches and businesses, metrics of transformation, and the role of government. Learn how to assess whether your organization can make the leap to a sustainable future.
Next Faith: Understanding Today’s Trends
Everyone wants a piece of your mind. Who and what should you trust – and why? In this dynamic, action-packed session, learn how to become a better information consumer in today’s complex culture. Develop the thinking skills, habits, and discernment to be a good information user.
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