The State of Generosity

A Serialized Exploration of The State of Generosity
Barna Group has been researching generosity for decades and we felt compelled to revisit and expand upon the topic during this unique season of ministry.
Our aim is to equip pastors, nonprofit leaders, financial advisors and more with fresh insights on generosity and stewardship. In partnership with Gloo and a collective of sponsors, Barna Group is mapping today’s giving landscape and looking to the future of generosity.
Multiple reports will emerge from this landmark project, which we’re calling The State of Generosity Series.
The Heart of the Giver
The Giving Landscape
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • An updated view of generosity;
- • A peek into the motivations and priorities of givers—especially those in the Church.
- • Insight and wisdom that can inform the way you think about, preach about and plan around giving.
We hope you’ll be encouraged by how givers are approaching generosity from a faithful, focused and deeply personal posture.

The Heart of the Giver
Revisiting the Tithe & Offering
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • An updated overview of the giving habits of Christians
- • The Church’s current perceptions of the tithe
- • Which donation options congregations offer
- • Opportunities and limitations of modern church giving
We also examined the thoughts and experiences of pastors who are trying to build healthy cultures of generosity in their churches.

The Heart of the Giver
Why Giving Is Good
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • Reasons why Christians choose to be generous
- • Different ways generous people benefit from their giving
- • The surprising ripple effect generosity can have on others
- • How data suggests generosity can become a learned skill
We also examined the thoughts and experiences of pastors who are trying to build healthy cultures of generosity in their churches.

The Heart of the Giver
This book is the culmination of the first theme in this project, adapting from journals produced with the support of our sponsors at Gloo, Generis and Generous Giving.
- • The Giving Landscape: Who drives generosity-and why
- • Revisiting the Tithe & Offering: The reality of church giving today
- • Why Giving Is Good: The joy and community of generosity
- • Field Guides to help you process and apply the findings, so you can make the most of this data in your unique leadership context
This serialized effort to equip pastors, nonprofit leaders, financial advisors and others with fresh insights on generosity and stewardship will better inform the way you think about, preach about and plan around giving.

The Future of Giving
Meet the Digital Donor
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • How online options for giving are perceived and utilized
- • A unique profile of donors who favor digital giving
- • What is possible and what donors are looking for
- • How digital giving can be part of your own good work
Understanding these trends can help churches and charitable organizations bring in valuable gifts from a wider base of donors, including both those who are leaning into online generosity and those who have yet to.

The Future of Giving
Beyond the Offering Plate
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • How people view volunteering and other nonmonetary forms of generosity
- • How these nonmonetary gifts are appreciated in comparison to financial gifts
- • The perspectives and beliefs that seem to inspire volunteerism
- • To what extent people are living out these values in daily life
When we think about generosity, our minds often focus on financial giving. But research is teaching us that most U.S. adults believe in a broader definition of generosity, one that includes nonmonetary giving such as emotional support, hospitality and volunteering.

The Future of Giving
The Impact of Women
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • The numerous ways women give to their churches and communities
- • How women feel about generosity and their participation in it
- • Fascinating differences in how men and women approach being generous
- • What it looks like when women in the Church feel fully able to contribute
Generosity can take many forms—from planned ongoing financial giving, to spontaneous one-time gifts, to a pattern of volunteering and being willing to share time and talents with others. Both men and women embrace these expressions, albeit in different ways. This report is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the unique strengths women bring to the work of generosity—and how you can make the most of them in your unique ministry context.

The Future of Giving
This book offers a streamlined view of the most forward-looking data and insights this project has brought forth, adapted from research journals created by Barna Group with the support of Gloo, Women Doing Well and VOMO.
- • Meet the Digital Donor: When Generosity & Technology Intersect
- • Beyond the Offering Plate: How Christians Give Their Time & Talent
- • The Impact of Women: Empowering a Generous Force
- • Field Guides to help you process and apply the findings, so you can make the most of this data in your unique leadership context
Generosity is crucial to the impact and longevity of most churches and nonprofits. As the world changes and younger generations come of age, it’s important to reassess what the future of giving looks like. We’ve uncovered exciting trends you can build on, as well as areas of concern that leaders need to pay attention to.

Generosity & the Next Generation
A New Era of Giving
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • How young adults think about and approach generosity
- • Why Gen Z and Millennials are becoming known as “optimistic givers”
- • Five unique qualities of the next generation when it comes to giving
- • How powerful but sometimes inconsistent beliefs are driving young Christians in gifts of money and time
If you’re a leader working with a ministry, organization or company whose future depends in part on captivating and collaborating with emerging generations, we created this report for you.

Generosity & the Next Generation
The Trust Factor
What you’ll discover in this report:
- • The confidence donors feel about giving to various types of ministries
- • What inspires Gen Z’s and Millenials’ sense of compassion
- • What raises their sense of caution with a giving opportunity
- • What can be done to fuel trust and engagement for the future of giving, even as cultural and technological shifts reshape the landscape of generosity
These are crucial matters for any pastor, nonprofit leader, fundraiser or financial advisor to wrestle with. We believe what Gen Z and Millennials have shared with us could have implications on everything from your accounting procedures to your email subject lines.

Generosity & the Next Generation
Investing in the Future
Our world is hurting, and for the Church to respond comprehensively, people of all ages have contributions to make. This kind of collaboration isn’t just about maintaining donations; our analysis suggests it can also be key to:
- • Producing resilient faith in young people that stands up to the tests of time and the challenges of our age
- • Helping older people deepen their confidence in their ability to make a lasting impact and nurture life-giving relational roots
- • Establishing mentorships that foster empathy in elders and prepare the next generation to step into their vocation and calling
- • Painting a more holistic picture of what it means to be a wise, consistent steward and to make a difference
We’re confident these findings will give you a grounded understanding of donors’ financial priorities in the present and their generous potential for the future.

Generosity & the Next Generation
This book, Generosity & the Next Generation, offers a streamlined view of how leaders can inspire generosity across generational divides, adapted from research journals created by Barna Group with the support of Gloo, Blue Trust and Kingdom Advisors.
- •A New Era of Giving: How Millennials & Gen Z approach stewardship
- •The Trust Factor: Connecting & communicating with young donors
- •Investing in the Future: A vision for generosity across generations
If you’re looking for ways to spark an intergenerational enthusiasm for generosity in your church or organization, the report can give the insights and strategies you’ll need to get started. We’ve also included Field Guides to help you process and apply the findings, so you can make the most of this data in your unique leadership context. We’re confident these insights will better inform the way you think about, preach about and plan around giving.