
Oct 5, 2020

Why Millennials Aren’t Watching Your Streamed Worship Services

Over the last few months, church leaders have expressed that they are struggling in their ministry to younger adult generations. For instance, Barna data gathered in late May 2020 show that as one in three practicing Christians stopped streaming church during the early months of the pandemic, this digital dropout was led by practicing Christian Millennials; fully half (50%) were not tuning in to online worship services at the time.

In light of this, Barna president David Kinnaman and Director of Insights Mark Matlock sat down to review what research tells us about these age groups, seeking to offer actionable insights that church leaders can implement right now. We’ll kick off this five-day video series, Five Essential Conversations About Ministry to the Next Generation, with an exploration of some of the reasons Millennials may have stopped streaming digital church during the pandemic and offering three frameworks leaders can use to think through how they invite younger generations to engage in online worship.

Watch the extended version of Part 1 of 5 below.

Throughout the rest of the week, tune in daily for a new video in Five Essential Conversations About Ministry to the Next Generation. Get the extended videos in a Barna Access Plus subscription, which gives you unlimited access to Barna Next Gen content, including Barna courses, labs and emerging data on younger generations to fuel your next gen ministry strategy. An Access Plus membership also includes access to all our research reports and six additional curated content channels for just $19 a month. 

Or get the Making Resilient Disciples course, now just $99 (or free with a Barna Access Plus subscription), and receive the extended video conversations as an added bonus this week only.

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Since 1984, Barna Group has conducted more than two million interviews over the course of thousands of studies and has become a go-to source for insights about faith, culture, leadership, vocation and generations. Barna is a private, non-partisan, for-profit organization.

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